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Route no 3 (black)
(length – 13km; estimated walking time – 2.5km)
The walk along this 13km route marked with black signs will take us about 2.5km hours. Having done the warm-up we set off. Following the tarmac road and than the dirt road we reach a characteristic roadside shrine, where we turn right following the route's signs. We pass the last buildings and enter the forest. We follow the excellent quality dirt road and after a few kilometres reach the first buildings of the village of Cieklińsko. We enter the tarmac road and after a while we reach the Pulse Measurement Point and the Exercise Board. Having monitored our pulse and after doing the exercises (4 options to choose from) we cross the tarmac road and enter the barrage dividing the fish ponds. These are the grounds formerly belonging to the Experimental Fishery, established in 1912. After almost 2km we reach the 42 road. We turn left and walk along the pavement to turn left after a while. After a short section of tarmac road towards the village of Lipa we turn left by the shrine into a dirt road. We are on the road called 'Jolly', linking Ruda Maleniecka with Cieklińsko. After reaching Cieklińsko we turn right and along the tarmac road we walk to Młotkowice. There our route is joined by the other routes and we turn right reaching, the point where started our walk.